Guide for Authors  
  Journal of Nano & Bio Tech (JNBT) is the official journal of the Institute of Nanosensor and Biotechnology, Dankook University, Korea. JNBT welcomes research and review papers on the topics of Nanoscience and Biotechnology and is published two times a year. The submitted manuscripts are published after editorial review to make a substantial contribution to the understanding of any area of nanoscience and biotechnology.

  Submission of manuscript

Manuscript can be submitted as an electrical form or as three classical hard copies. The manuscript with a cover letter should be addressed to the Editor

  Preparation of a manuscript
  Manuscript should be typed with double spacing on one side of A4 size paper with a margin of 2.5cm all around. Manuscript should be organized in the following order:

(A) Title, Name(s), Address(es), Abstract, Keywords, Runing head, Address, Fax number and E-mail address of the corresponding author
(B) Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. These sections could be fused or ignored for a better presentation.
(C) Acknowledgement, References, Tables, Figure legends, Figures

Title page should include the full name of each author and address(es) of the affiliation(s) with a foot note indicating the present address of any author no longer
at the institution where the work was performed.
When there are more than one affiliation, match authors and their appropriate affiliation with superscript alphabets. Use superscript asterisk to mark the author
to whom correspondence should be directed.
References and figures should be cited in the following manners (1). An article published in periodical should be referred to by names of authors, the year of the publication, title of the journal, volume of the journal, and the first page of the article. To list the names of authors the family name is followed by the abbreviated first and middle name (1, 2). For example, the name "Seong Wook Lee and Noejung Park" will beshortened to "Lee SW, P ark N". The publication year must be in the parenthesis, e.g. (1999). The volume and the first page of the article should be separated by a comma. Examples are given below (1-5).

The reference for a monograph will be denoted by the names of authors ,year title of books, publisher. (6,7). In this case the title should be in the double quotation mark, followed by the edition number. An example is shown below (7). All figures should be abbreviated as "Fig". Suppose we have the first figure, e.g. the carbon nanotube peapod in contact with metal electrode, as shown below. This may be refereed to as Fig 1 in the text as well as in the caption, as shown below.

Fig 1.
Fig 1. Two types of contacts between the metal layer and nanotube peapod:
(a) side view of the end contact and (b) cross-sectional view of the side contact.

(1) Family-Name First-Initial_Middle-Initial, Family-Name First-Initial_Initial-Middle (year) Journal-Name
Volume, First-P age
(2) Ijima S (1991) Nature 354, 56
(3) Frank S, P oncharal P , Wang ZL, DeHeer WA (1998) Science 280, 1744
(4) Javey A, Guo J, Wang Q, Lundstrom M, Dai H (2003) Nature 424, 654
(5) Jung JE, Choi JH, P ark YJ, Yoo JB, Kim JM (2003) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 375
(6) Family-Name First-Initial_Middle-Initial, Family-Name First-Initial_Initial-Middle year "Book-Title" edition-number,
Publisher, City.
(7) Liboff RL, James BD year "Introductory Quantum Mechanics" 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, Newyork.


  Preparation of a table

Each column should carry an appropriate heading. The units in which the data are expressed should be given at the top of each column and not repeated on each line. Words or numerals should be repeated on successive lines. Each column should carry an appropriate heading.


  Preparation of a illustration

A complete set of figures, as prints (or on sheets) approximately the same size as the manuscript pages, should accompany each copy of the manuscript for the convenience of the reviewers. Original drawings or clear prints may be submitted. Only one set, of top quality, is needed for the printer; the others may be prints or photocopies. All figures should be identified with figure numbers. Illustrations should be saved with the format of tiff or jpg in a separate file.


  Copyright (c) 2005 JNBT All rights reserved.
Institute of Nnosensor and Biotechnology. Dankook University.
Contact Us : SWL0208@dankook.ac.kr